Hotel Rivoli Boutique

Hotel Rivoli Firenze

Rivoli Boutique Hotel, a pet friendly hotel for a truly all-inclusive vacation

Pet friendly hotel

Dogs, cats, ferrets and all the others: vacations would not be the same without them! Rivoli Boutique Hotel is a super pet friendly hotel in Florence. The doors to this ancient monastery are wide open to all our four-legged friends and those with wings too. We are much more than just a pet friendly hotel. Here, your pets are our welcome guests!

Discovering Florence with your pets will be an immersive experience! Strolling among the most famous monuments will be simply enchanting. From Ponte Vecchio to Piazza Duomo, from the loggia of the Uffizi to Palazzo Pitti, up to Piazzale Michelangelo, resting at the many gardens and areas dedicated to dog walking.

Our staff at the front desk is ready to take any “pet-friendly” request. We can provide you with the best dog-sitting service, we can make sure you have everything you need for your pet’s comfort in your room, and we can also recommend the best stores and boutiques dedicated exclusively to our furry friends.
There are many restaurants in Florence that accept dogs in the dining room. Ask reception to book an evening at the best pet-friendly restaurant and we will arrange the perfect dinner for you!
Book your pet-friendly stay in Florence now!

Florence the pet-friendly capital of Italy

In 1999, Florence was the first city in Italy to pass the “municipal regulation for the protection of animals”. Dogs in Florence can enter public places (including beaches), can board public transport, even cabs (warning the cab service beforehand). Since 2014 pets have been allowed in all stores, public establishments and public offices.